Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The guy who wouldn't say 'NO' !!

"It is almost the definition of a gentleman to say that he is one who never inflicts pain."
John Henry Newman

Being male is a matter of birth, Being a man is a matter of age but being a gentleman is a matter of choice. I would say none can teach you to be a gentleman but rather you are brought up that way or it is in your genes. So what it is to be the good guy who is loved by everyone and has very little reason to be involved in any kind of nasty situation.Nasty situation here is too mainstream as we get into the depths of it.
Tracing the gentleman right from birth, the kid doesn't cry over toys that were never bought, doesn’t complain when parents hand over your favorite toys to a  family friend’s kid that comes to your home just because that kid is younger, doesn't complain the routine dish that is on the dinner table every other day, doesn't complain the lack of new dresses as every dress was inherited from the elder ones, doesn't complain the infinite trips to holy places, doesn't complain if parents of his friends get them pieces of technology while he is still made to play with yesteryear's mechanical toys, doesn't complain if he is made to attend extra classes to improve score while his friends join karate and basketball classes, doesn't complain when he is asked to choose a high school of his parents choice, doesn't complain when he is brainwashed to see engineering as his dream career, doesn't complain when his ‘tour with friends' quota for an year ends with the first tour and is asked to study while his friends go on with hundreds of other tours, doesn't complain when he is asked to prepare for government job entrances but still asked to sit down for interviews of IT companies, doesn't complain when he gets selected for IT company and his preparations lose momentum, doesn't complain when he fails to find a job that he loves, doesn’t complain when he is used as an email-bot in his company, doesn't complain when he finds innovation at his job has already gone reached the brim and all of those were what a 12 year old could have accomplished, doesn't complain when he is used by his colleagues to skip work, doesn't complain the innumerous financial losses incurred coz of friends, doesn't complain coz he forgot to enjoy life, doesn't complain coz he forgot to find a girl of his own, doesn't complain when the girl his parents chose turns out to be a disaster, doesn't complain the failing marriage despite innumerous attempts to revive it, doesn't complain when another gentleman is born and doesn't complain when death comes so slow so as to make him realize he had not been a gentleman rather a coward who couldn't say NO.