Asianet film fare awards 2014 is the biggest joke played by the leading Malayalam channel Asianet. None of the Asianet film fare awards ever made sense and this time it turned out more sour and boring as half of the awards didnt have any nominations and most of it were given to please the top actors and their lineage (No surprises there). They could have instead skipped the awards and made it a stage show to entertain the Dubai crowd, the TRP would have remained the same. This is not the first time that a channel is being criticized for conducting sloppy Awards function, but the fact that Asianet has remained adamant throughout the years and have adopted "Never learn from critics" attitude is surprising. The fact that Asianet is still the top selling channel is very reassuring for them.
Asianet seems to be in love with SRK as he was brought in for the second time for the annual film fare, the previous being in 2012. He was honored with awards like International Indian Icon in 2014 and Millennium Actor in 2012, the awards are as amusing as it sounds. The most annoying thing Asianet did was bring in a legend like Kamal Hassan and party all through the show with SRK. While Asianet could have at least tried to respect the hierarchy of Indian film industry, they didn't even keep up the dignity of an awards show; Kamal Hassan was given a namesake award called Best Tamil actor ( it couldn't get anymore ridiculous) and forgotten for the rest of the event. I badly wish Kamal Hassan never acknowledges any film fare invites from Mollywood anymore.
Coming to the actual purpose of the event: Awards. Asianet film fare awards are predictable like the months in a calendar year and the fact that everyone will go home with an award is like giving "Thank you" gifts at marriage parties. The best actor award is always reserved for Mamooty and Mohanlal as the primary concern is to pamper these two superstars. And film fare awards 2014 didn't see any of the other popular stars of the industry like Mukesh, SureshGopi, Jeyaram. I wonder why in the world is Asianet hosting film fare when they can't accommodate stars of the home film industry. Instead of playing hosts to gimmicks of "The Badshah of Bollywood" of whom the malayalees are already getting bored with, they could at least conduct a decent awards night and give away deserving awards at least once.
The above is the list of awards given for the best actor every year. It was 12 years back that an actor apart from the regular two won this award. Though either of these actors were deserving on some occasions, that wasn't the case every year. It explains a lot.
Asianet seems to be in love with SRK as he was brought in for the second time for the annual film fare, the previous being in 2012. He was honored with awards like International Indian Icon in 2014 and Millennium Actor in 2012, the awards are as amusing as it sounds. The most annoying thing Asianet did was bring in a legend like Kamal Hassan and party all through the show with SRK. While Asianet could have at least tried to respect the hierarchy of Indian film industry, they didn't even keep up the dignity of an awards show; Kamal Hassan was given a namesake award called Best Tamil actor ( it couldn't get anymore ridiculous) and forgotten for the rest of the event. I badly wish Kamal Hassan never acknowledges any film fare invites from Mollywood anymore.
The above is the list of awards given for the best actor every year. It was 12 years back that an actor apart from the regular two won this award. Though either of these actors were deserving on some occasions, that wasn't the case every year. It explains a lot.