Saturday, 16 March 2013

Internet Beyond Facebook..!!

Social networking comes in all sizes and shapes, the most popular ones being Facebook, twitter and Instagram. Most people fail to explore sites beyond Facebook and it’s a pity that they aren’t aware of the multitudinous sites that could keep you engrossed for the rest of your life. Though the average internet quotient of the people has increased over the years people still refuse to see beyond their routine sites; sadly there are people whose internet usage is still confined to checking mails and Facebook and occasionally Wikipedia or YouTube. Seriously they are missing out the best things on the internet(am not talking about p**n here).

Information is available for free and you just need to be looking for it at the right place. Facebook never shows you what you need and whatever it shows is seldom the truth. Facebook will probably connect you with your friends so that you don’t miss out on any marriage and party invites. Playing games on Facebook is like browsing internet on IE; just another dumb thing to do when you have better options to do the same. And the reason why Facebook bought Instagram was obvious as the shift from texts to pictures was becoming evident. Though photographers enjoy the most of Instagram; more people are now getting in to the habit of posting every random click onto Instagram. Facebook saw the change coming and was quick enough to buy Instagram. Google+ is still cluelesss on that front. Either way now stalking a person over the internet has become a bit easier, thanks to Facebook and Instagram.

Meanwhile twitter has a buzzing timeline- all you need to do is follow the most popular tweeples(people who tweet) and there you go- your timeline is constantly fed with satire, sarcasm, OMGfacts, news, gossips, tech info, daily tips and what not…! And the most important thing is you get only what you seek and there are no spam links or spamsters bothering you. The reason why I love twitter more than Facebook is coz its simple, compact and ad-free. When you are too bored you can even check out the #tag trends wherein you will get to see innumerous people voicing their opinion and criticism and be awestruck as people tweet solid humour in 140 characters. if you do have that potential you could have a fanbase on twitter too and engage in twitter fights and celebrate through #tags.

If you ever sign up on twitter or already have an account dont forget to check on this list of twitter celebs to follow:


Here is a list of some cool websites